There are two very different realities in the The Divided State of America. After listening to Republicans and Democrats go at it for the last three years It's very clear they’re both living in their own reality. If you try to speak with these people take care and try not to talk too much because it’s getting heated.

This seems to be the nature of politics unfortunately but I’ve never seen such a divide. If you’ve talked to someone deeply involved in politics you might know what I mean. Something will happen and if you talk to a Republican that something will sound completely different than what a Democrat will describe the event as. It’s almost as if they are living in two different realities. That’s because they are. It doesn’t mean they’re bad people, it seems to be what news outlet they have chosen to trust.

In the past you had a few news sources, now you have dozens. Family members aren’t talking to each other, people are getting fired from their jobs based on what reality they’re living in politically. Someone is getting mad at me right now because I didn’t stipulate something I’m against and my silence is violence.

Can you remain neutral in The Divided State of America when both parties are driving into two polar opposite directions? I think when the room for debate is gone and people are in two different realities they are in the state of Civil War.